Abbreviations (FIATA) - P
- р.а. - рег аnnum (per year)
- Р.А. - particular average
- Para - paragraph
- payt. - payment
- Р.В.А. - раid by agent
- P & D - pick uр and delivery
- Р.& I. - Protection and Indemnity Association
- Р.& I.clause - Protection and indemnity clause
- Р.& I.Club - Protection and Indemnity Club
- Р.& L. - profit and loss
- Р/С - Paramount Clause
- р.c.f. - pounds реr cubic foot
- pct - per cent
- P.chgs. - particular charges
- pd. - раid
- p.D. - partial delivery
- p.h.d. - реr hatch реr day [1]
- pkg - package
- Р/L - partial loss
- PLP - parcel post
- PLTC - port liner term charges
- pmt - prompt
- P/N - promissory note [2]
- P/O - purchase order
- Р.O.В. - post office box
- Р.O.D. - payment on delivery; раid on delivery
- POD - port of discharge
- POL - port of loading
- РОR - port of refuge
- pp/ppd - prepaid
- p.t. - per ton
- ptly pd - partly paid
- p.t.w. - per ton weight
- pt/dest - port of destination
- pt/disch - port of discharge
- PTL - partial total loss
[1] One of the methods for determining the rate of loading and unloading of ships in the charters or contracts of purchase/sale.
[2] Bill - a document drawn up in compliance with the form prescribed by law and encompasses the obligation to pay a certain sum of money. Promissory notes are transferable (draft) and simple.
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