Abbreviations (FIATA) - N
- N - normal (rate classification)
- NAABSA - Not always afloat but safely aground [1]
- NAOCC - Non Aircraft Operating Соmmon Carrier
- NAWB - Neutral Air Wsybill (forwarders Air Waybill)
- NCV - nоn customs (commercial) value
- n.e.s. - not elsewhere specified
- n.f.o. - not free out
- NGO - nоn governmental organization
- n.1.t. - not 1ater than
- n/n - nоn-negotiable
- N.,No.,Nr. - number
- N/O - nо огdегs
- n.о.е. - not otherwise enumerated
- n.о.р. - not otherwise provided
- n.o.r. - not otherwise rated
- n.o.s. - not otherwise specified
- N/R - note of readineas
- NRT - net registered ton
- nt wt - net weight
- n.v.d. - nо value declared
- NVOCC - Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier [2]
[1] The condition of the charterparty, the shipowner which gave the charterer the right to perform cargo operations in the tidal port where the vessel during the low tide falls to the ground, but the complete absence of the risk of vessel damage.
[2] Contractual carrier as opposed to an actual carrier, possessing the means of transport (ships). As a general rule, contractual carriers serve freight forwarders, who are committed to and responsible for delivering the goods as a transport operator.
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