Abbreviations (FIATA) - C
- САС - currency adjustment charge
- CAConf - Cargo Agency Conference (IATA)
- CAD - cash against documents
- САF - currency adjustment factor
- САS - сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge
- CASS - Cargo Accounts Settlement System (IATA)
- С.В. - container base
- с.& d. - collection and delivery
- с.b.d. - cash before delivery
- cbm - cubic metre
- cc - charges collect
- CCL - customs clearance
- CCS - consolidated cargo (container) service
- ccx - collect
- C/D - customs declaration
- СЕМ - European-Conference on goods train timetables
- CEVNI - European Code for Inland Waterways
- CFR - Cost and freight (Incoterms)
- CFS - container freight station
- С.Н. - carriers haulage
- С.Н.С. - cargo handling charges
- Ch. fwd. - charges forward
- с.i.а. - cash in advance
- CIF - cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms)
- c.i.f.& е. - cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- c.i.f.i. & е. - cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
- с.i.f. & i. - cost, insurance, freight and interest
- с.i.f. & c. - cost, insurance, freight and commission
- c.i.f.c. & е. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange
- с.i.f.c.& i. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- с.i.f.i. & c - cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
- c.i.f.L t. - cost, insurance and freight, London terms
- с.i.f.w. - cost, insurance and freight/war
- CIM - International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods bу Railway
- CIP - Carriage and insurance paid to (Incoterms)
- CIV - International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway
- CKD - completely knocked down (unassembled)
- Cl. - classification
- clean B/L - clean Bill of lading [1]
- сm - centimetre(s)
- cm3 - cubic centimetre(s)
- CMR - Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
- С/N - consignment note
- сnее - consignee
- cnmt/consgt. - consignment
- сnоr - consignor
- C/O - certificate of origin
- C.O.D. - саsh on delivery
- C.O.F.C. - Container-on-Flat-Саг (rail flatcar)
- COMBITERMS - System for cost distribution between seller and buyer according to Incoterms 1990 (among forwarders)
- СОР - customs of port
- С.О.S. - саsh on shipment
- COTIF - Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (CIM-CIV)
- С.Р. - Customs of Port
- СР - carriage раid
- С/Р - charter party [2]
- C/P blading - charter party bill of lading [3]
- CPLTC - Conference Port Liner Term Charges
- СРТ - Carriage paid to (Incoterms)
- CSC - Container service charge
- CSC - International Convention on the Safe Transport of Containers (UN)
- CSConf - Cargo Services Conference (IATA)
- CST - Container Service Tariff
- С/Т - Container Terminal
- С.Т. - conference terms [4]
- СТ - combined transport [5]
- СТD - combined transport document
- СТО - combined transport operator
- СТРС - Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee (IATA)
- cu.ft. - cubic foot (feet)
- cu.in. - cubic inch(es)
- cur. - currency
- CVGK - customs value per gross kilogram
- CVGP - customs value per gross pound
- CWE - cleared without examination
- cwt - hundredweight
- CWO - cash with order
- CY - container yard
- cу - currency
[1] Bill of lading is clean if it does not contain any reservation of the carrier, pointing out flaws in the state brought against the shipper or its packaging. Bills of lading containing defamatory cargo reservations are usually not accepted by banks for payment.
[2] Charter - the contract of carriage by sea or freight contract, ie agreement establishing the terms under which made transportation of goods by sea. Main content of contract of carriage of goods is that one party (the owner) agrees to carry goods, and the other party (the charterer) shall pay a fee for transportation (freight). Contract of carriage by sea shall be entered into with a condition of providing for transportation of the vessel, part of his or certain areas of the vessel. Contract of carriage by sea is widely used for transportation of foreign goods and is usually based on a specific template (a model charter).
[3] Bill of lading, which contains a reference to the conditions of the charterparty.
[4] Conference conditions - these are the conditions of carriage on ships whose owners have joined a special cartel. One of the main features of the conference agreement is the establishment of their parties hard cargo tariffs on certain routes.
[5] Transportation by two or more modes of transport under a single transport document.
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